Action Alert #104 New Congress — New Bill! H.R. 141
The old bills from last year and the year before that didn’t make it through Congress and finally get signed by the President are officially DEAD. New bills must be introduced.
We are delighted that we can announce a new repeal bill in the House of Representatives! Republican Member of the House from Illinois, Rodney Davis, has quickly re-introduced the same WEP/GPO repeal bill that he sponsored in the last Congressional session. His bill, introduced on the first day of the new session, already has 57 Members signed on to co-sponsor the bill—from 24 different states.
Retirees from every state are affected by the offsets, so we need to work for support in every state. Check this link to AB 141 to see if your Congressperson has jumped into this fight: Cosigners of H.R. 141
(Notice that this list can be sorted in different ways by clicking on the “Sort by” box above the list.)
We hope you already have the phone number of your Member of Congress on speed dial. Please call them and thank them for being there, or remind them it is time to step up for you by co-sponsoring AB 141!
Find your Congressperson at
Those of you who have chosen a group to concentrate on–your union, your city, county, or school district, your former employer, a seniors group– please contact them and tell them it is time to stand up for their retirees. We need a broader base of support to pass the repeal bill!
Thank you for your efforts! To make a difference we must each choose an agency or seniors group to educate. Too many current workers do not understand the devastating effects of the GPO/WEP. We will need everyone behind this campaign!
Repeal the UNFAIR Government Pension Offset and the Windfall Elimination Provision!
Correction update January 16, 2018: The name of the name of the bill was incorrectly stated as AB 141 on our original post. The correct name is H.R. 141 and we have corrected the mistake.