Action Alert #109 A New WEP “Fix” Bill Has Been Introduced–H.R. 3934

Disclaimer: Social Security Fairness demands complete repeal of the GPO and WEP. We paid the full contributions, we deserve the full benefits! As part of our campaign, however, it is important to keep up with what is happening in Congress and which Members are supporting changes that are short of total repeal.
There is a new bill from Kevin Brady to change the formula for the Windfall Elimination Provision (only), rather than our “complete repeal” position.
Here is the explanation of how H.R. 3934 would work, according to the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association, a supporter of the bill:
Individuals currently affected by WEP are losing as much as $463 per month in earned benefits. The Equal Treatment of Public Servants Act seeks to replace the WEP with a formula that equalizes benefits for certain individuals with non-covered employment. The bill would provide WEP-affected individuals age 60 and older with a monthly rebate of $100 ($50 for surviving spouses). For WEP-affected individuals currently under age 20, the bill would change how the WEP is calculated. For those between age 21 and 59, the individual’s WEP penalty would be calculated either using the current formula or the new one created by the bill, whichever is more beneficial.
Congressman Brady has always believed that the idea behind the WEP was correct but that the formula was wrong. The last time, several years ago, when he proposed a bill to correct the formula, so many amendments were added that it ended up punishing even more retirees than the original WEP. We will follow this bill to see where it goes and to see who supports it.
For further reading, here is the NARFE announcement regarding the bill and their position:
Here are the names of the original cosponsors of the new Brady bill:
Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC) Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-TX) Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX) Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE) Rep. Larry Bucshon, M.D. (R-IN) Rep. Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) Rep. Mike Conaway (R-TX) Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) Rep. Bill Flores (R-TX) Rep. Vicente Gonzalez (D-TX) Rep. Kay Granger (R-TX) Rep. Garret Graves (R-LA) Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-KY) | Rep. Kevin Hern (R-OK) Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX) Rep. Steve King (R-IA) Rep. Bob Latta (R-OH) Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) Rep. Pete Olson (R-TX) Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL) Rep. Van Taylor (R-TX) Rep. Filemon Vela (D-TX) Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX) Rep. Ron Wright (R-TX) Rep. Kenny Marchant (R-Tex) |