Action Alert # 60 Respond with Tough Language to Donation Requests!

As the midterm election season warms up, many of us are being hit by requests for donations to political campaigns. Some of our members sent in the suggestion that we demand that they respond to our issue before we send them any more money. Here are sample responses:

(1) “I will contribute financially when I see Congressional action to repeal the Social Security Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset. There are currently two bills in Congress, S.896 and H.R.1795 that will return fully-earned Social Security retirement benefits to the two million retirees who are affected by these laws. Retirees have for years been promised action on these extremely unfair provisions of the Social Security Act, but the bills have never been moved out of committee!  Seniors can give you great financial and voting support but first we need action to show that this candidate really supports us. The GPO and WEP must be repealed!  What will you do?”

See for a complete explanation of why the GPO/WEP are unfair, un-American and undemocratic!  (Important note:  our website not affected by the Heartbleed bug)


(2) “I want to support your efforts to protect the Social Security program but I cannot do so until your organization actively supports and works for the repeal of the WEP and GPO Social Security penalty provisions.
 See the website. I, along with thousands of others, do not see why you are working hard to prevent new cuts to Social Security but not working to assist those, like myself, who have already had our Social Security benefits severely cut or eliminated.”

See for a complete explanation of why the GPO/WEP are unfair, un-American and undemocratic!  

(3) “We need your active participation in advocating for passage of H.R.1795 and S.896 to repeal the WEP and GPO which are Social Security offsets to earned benefits. Then we can talk about financial support for your initiatives from our membership.”

See for complete explanation of why the GPO/WEP are unfair, un-American and undemocratic!


_____________________________________________________________________________              ADDITIONAL CONVINCING INFO TO INCLUDE: 

* The public sector retirees being financially hurt by having their Social Security reduced are now also having their pensions and benefits reduced by the pension cost reduction initiatives of cities and counties nationwide.  The combination of these multiple income cuts to public sector retirees is financially devastating!

*Your own comment about how you have been victimized by the GPO/WEP.

Thank you for your support for our cause.  Our last Alert produced 121 comments on the NCPSSM blog!