Action Alert 85 – H.R. 711 Vote in Ways and Means Wednesday afternoon 7/13!
This is the big deal that didn’t happen. There was a dispute over what the actual effects of the bill would be, and there are further discussions going on. You can still make your Representatives aware of this bill, and tell them that we are desperate for some serious action!
HR 711 is getting a full hearing on the Ways and Means Committee!
The U.S. House Ways and Means Committee is scheduled to vote on H.R. 711, the bill that proposes to replace the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) formula with a new formula which takes into account your actual earnings. It is expected to save those already affected at least 30% of their penalty and more for new retirees.
This bill must be approved by Ways and Means before it goes out for a vote on the floor of the House.
Call your Congressperson Tuesday (today) or tomorrow morning, if you can! If not, please get to them this week.
Make sure they are paying attention!
The idea of the WEP is wrong, but this will ease the burden.
Ask them where they stand. If you are for this, let them know how it will help you.
Tell them how it works. (see our last couple of alerts that are posted on our webpage,
Even if you are not happy with this bill, remember that ANY publicity is good for us!
Ways and Means Committee To Vote On WEP Reform Bill, H.R. 711!
The Ways and Means Committee of the House of Representatives will be meeting at 2:00 eastern time, and HR 711 is currently 5th on the agenda. Here is a link to the W & M website where you can listen to the hearing live and check out the arguments so you can use then yourself:
(You probably will be able to listen to it online afterward, also.)
This marks the first time in 30 years that a bill proposing to repeal the existing arbitrary WEP has gone to a vote!
Thank you to the Texas Retired Teachers Association for the heads up on this!