Action Alert – Sign the Discharge Petition

 Important Discharge action this week:

(Also watch the video below which further explains our situation)

  1. Call and email your Member of the House of Representatives. Even if they have never cosigned H.R. 82. (You have their District and D.C. numbers on your speed dial, right?)
  2. Tell them how important it is to follow up on their support for public workers and sign onto House Resolution 1367, the Discharge Petition for H.R. 82 with the Clerk of the House at her desk at the front of the chamber. Your Rep must physically go to her desk and sign it while Congress is in session.
  3. Americans must stop punishing our retired first responders and teachers if we want to support a successful society!

Here is where we are now:

The Social Security Fairness Act, H.R. 82, has 305 co-signers, far more than it needs to pass, but the Chair of Ways and Means called it up for a hearing one day before it could qualify for a floor vote, ending the qualifying period and nullifying our broad bi-partisan House support. 

To save the bill, the original H.R. 82 sponsor, Rodney Davis, has set up a Discharge Petition, which needs 218 in-person signatures to require a floor vote. We are hoping that our Representatives will understand our urgent cause and demand a vote on H.R.82 NOW.

Despite the curveball the Ways and Means Committees threw at us, we continue battling to repeal the WEP/GPO by insisting that the House pass H.R.82 now. Make sure your Congressperson understands the problem and signs the DISCHARGE PETITION this week!