Alert—-12/12/21 Keeping Track of Our Progress believes that the only just way to deal with the Offsets is total repeal.  Denying fully-earned benefits to people who have contributed to Social Security as required is grossly unfair. Other bills before Congress propose to make the Offsets work by balancing them against pensions that are paid for and taxed differently in different states, creating another level of injustice.

Here is a list of where Congress stands now on the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset  (For continuing details on the two WEP/GPO repeal bills we follow, please click on the links at the top of our website, For information on the other bills below go to and add the bill number)  

House Resolution — “H.R.” Senate Bill — “S.”


H.R. 82 – Social Security Fairness Act of 2021 – To repeal WEP and GPO was introduced on 1/4/2021 by Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL-13)  

H.R. 82 has a total of  240 Co-Sponsors (183 Dem, 57 Rep)

S. 1302 – Social Security Fairness Act of 2021 – The Senate bill to repeal WEP and GPO was introduced by Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) on April 22, 2021   

S. 1302 has a total of 37 Co-Sponsors (31 Dem, 2 Ind, 4 R)

H.R. 5723 –Social Security 2100: A Sacred Trust –introduced by John B. Larson (D-CT-1).   Introduced on October 26, 2021, originally known as, “To Protect our Social Security system and improve benefits for current and future generations”

  H.R. 5723 has a total of 196 Co-Sponsors, (All Dem)


H.R. 5834 – Equal Treatment of Public Servants Act of 2021 – Kevin Brady (R-TX-8) When this bill was introduced on November 3rd, it had a working title, “To amend title II of the Social Security Act to replace the Windfall Elimination Provision with a formula equalizing benefits…)

H.R. 5834 now has 42 Co-Sponsors, 35 Rep, 3 Dem (Texans)

H.R. 2337 –  Public Servants Protection and Fairness Act, introduced by Ways and Means Chair Richard Neal  

           H.R. 2337 continues with 185 Co-Sponsors (All Dem)