Here is What Important Leaders are Saying:
“Current law not only makes it more difficult to recruit teachers, police officers and fire fighters, but it penalizes the invaluable public servants who have already given so much.”
Diane Feinstein, US Senator
“I have joined the effort to repeal those two provisions of the Social Security Law that negatively impact so many of our public servants, including teachers.”
Barbara Boxer, US Senator
“It’s appalling that you are being penalized for going into teaching. Can you imagine? It’s hard for me to even fathom. If anything we should be looking at ways to better support our teachers.” May 30, 2009, Social Security Fairness Rally.
Barbara Lee, Congresswoman, D-CA
“Two provisions in the Federal Social Security Law — the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO) — prevent second career public servants from collecting earned Social Security Benefits when they retire or when a spouse dies.”
Tom Torlakson, Calif Assembly D-Antioch