We Have 226 Cosponsors in the House!
Two hundred and twenty-six Members of Congress (House members) have already co-signed this year’s H.R. 82 bill for full repeal of the WEP and GPO! We are working closely with the staff of this session’s sponsors, Abigail Spanberger and Garret Graves. Their message to us: Keep Getting More Co-sponsors! They want to go for the 300 we got last session to make a point of the urgency of our issue.
Keep the phone numbers of your House Member— both D.C. and home offices — on speed dial, and call to remind them to sign on or thank them if they have done so. It never hurts to emphasize that we are expecting results this session! Also remind them that you or your spouse paid into FICA the same amount as everyone else did. Get family members to call in also–they will lose out financially, also.
The National WEP/GPO Repeal Task Force, which has grown out of an Alliance for Retired Americans project, is coordinating a range of initiatives. A team of our members is putting together local broadcast and print connections for different states. Are you interested in spreading the word locally? Please use our contact form with your state & zip code information, and our P.R. team will forward you local contact information and messages you can use.
If you haven’t seen the SSFairness.org homepage featuring the National WEP/GPO Repeal Task Force rally last May, do check it out! There will be another rally in Washington on September 13, this year. Last year’s rally was fun and effective. Do plan to join us! More information will be coming soon.
If you are on Facebook, the large National WEP & GPO Repeal Movement has daily activities to forward our cause. The Social Security Fairness – Repeal GPO/WEP page has less frequent, but similar activities.
Here is a link to last week’s great radio interview by our bill’s sponsor, Abigail Spanberger. Enjoy! https://govexec-daily.libsyn.com/a-bill-would-repeal-an-expensive-tax-rule-for-public-servants
If you tried to listen to her earlier interview with Patrick Yoes, President of the Fraternal Order of Police, and the link didn’t work, you can find it here. https://fop.net/2023/03/social-security-fairness-representative-spanberger/