What’s Hanging Up the Vote to Repeal the WEP and GPO?
Why Do Our Benefits Have to Be Paid for Twice?
With 326 co-signers on H.R. 82, and 62 in the Senate on S. 597, it would seem that repeal would be well on the way to a vote. The problem, as always, is money–$$$. A rule in Congress says that any new bill must have a funding mechanism, what they call a “pay for.” This seems to be the main reason the House members on the Ways and Means and Finance Committees are holding up our bill.
We paid the required FICA taxes, just like everyone else, but those opposed to the repeal of the offsets insist that there has to be new legislation with additional money authorized in order to “pay for” our benefits. Smoke and mirrors! Why do our benefits have to be paid for twice? Fortunately, most members of Congress are beginning to understand this and have co-signed clean bills to repeal these poorly written, unjustifiable laws. So it’s time for a VOTE! You can help make this happen.
Right NOW: This Tuesday, Sept. 10, bill sponsors, Representatives Garret Graves and Abigail Spangerger will introduce a Discharge Petition to force a vote on H.R. 82. We need to remind our legislators that, among their errands this week, they need to sign the discharge petition personally at the desk of the House Clerk. There have to be 218 signatures to demand the vote on H.R.82. Congress can fix this!
1. Send emails. https://www.house.gov/representatives
2. Call their offices in D.C. Ask to talk to an aide in charge of legislation. Leave messages about the discharge petition if you call after hours. (If you don’t have your Rep’s direct number on your phone, call the Capitol House Switchboard, 202 224 3121.)
3. Sign up for the super easy to use frequent directed email on the CalRTA lobby system: https://calrta.us2.list-manage.com/subscribe
4. Participate in the actions through the National WEP/GPO Repeal Movement on FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1315898065249754
5. Use this Twitter handle: @RepealWEP_GPO
Thank you for standing up for what’s right!
It’s Time to Repeal the WEP/GPO NOW!
We have gotten some very nice donations in the past, and we are hoping to reach the $3,000 we need to cover our expenses this year. Please check our contribution page and send any amount to keep us going:
Thank you for standing up for receiving the Social Security you have EARNED!