Big D.C. Activities on Wednesday, Sept. 13–You can support us!

Wednesday is the NATIONAL WEP/GPO REPEAL TASK FORCE ADVOCACY SUMMIT, a gathering of supporters of H.R.82 and S.597.

Seniors from across the country who have been wronged by the WEP and GPO will be visiting their legislators’ Washington offices in the morning and gathering later to hear about what different organizations are doing to get rid of the grossly unfair Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset.

If you use Facebook, you can use this link below to watch the speakers at the Summit. (If you are not a Facebook user, we will send you a recap and link to the video later, on our website.)

Watch Facebook Live Wednesday September 13, from the U.S. Capitol:

Access the Facebook event sponsored by the National WEP and GPO Movement FB page by clicking this link:

The program and gathering starts In Washington 2:30 EDT;  1:30 CDT;  12:30 MTN;  11:30 PDT;

(2:30 PM is 14:30 Military Time)

Meanwhile from home, you can back up our team!

If you can’t make it to D.C. on Wednesday:

  1. Call or email your own Senators and Congressperson. (Put their numbers for DC and local offices on speed dial.)
  2. Thank them if they are already co-signers. A quick way to check if they have signed on is to use the links near the top of the home page.
  3. Whether they are supporters or not, give them your story in a couple of sentences, such as:
  • My husband paid into FICA for me for 35 years, but I get nothing. Now I can’t keep our home on my meager county clerk’s pension.
  • I was a stay-at-home mom for years, but the one-half public pension I earned after that eliminates all my spousal/survivor benefits.
  • I was counting on the statements from Social Security and planning my retirement around them. Until I retired I never knew anything about the WEP.
  • I have two very smart daughters–I have told them not to become teachers because of the way Social Security treats us.
  • We have a shortage of teachers and public safety officers, but, in truth, I cannot encourage anyone to work for a public agency and then become subject to the WEP/GPO.