President Biden Signs the Social Security Fairness Act.

Check and see how your Representatives and Senators voted and thank them.

If you earn even part of a public pension from a government job that doesn’t pay into Social Security (FICA), you can lose part or all of your earned Social Security retirement benefits.

Retirees in every state are affected by these penalties!

Those who paid in but are living in another country get hit, also.

These penalties are WRONG!

Government Pension Offset (GPO)

If you are married to someone who is earning Social Security, you will probably lose all Social Security spousal or survivor retirement benefits due to you from taxes paid by your spouse during the marriage.

Windfall Elimination Program (WEP)

An amount up to half the value of your pension can be cut from the Social Security you have earned in other work in which you paid the required FICA taxes.

The Government Pension Offset and the Windfall Elimination Provision are penalties that negatively affect retirees who receive pensions from government agencies that do not participate in the Social Security system.

Many of these retirees have earned Social Security retirement benefits from other work during their lifetimes or for being an eligible spouse. The GPO and WEP cut or totally eliminate their earned Social Security retirement benefits.

Public employees affected by GPO & WEP:

  • Teachers in 15 states—AK, CA, CO, CT, GA, IL, KY, LA, MA, ME, MO, NV, OH, RI, TX.
  • State, County, City and special district employees in 26 states.
  • Federal employees who are on the CSRS retirement system in every state.
  • Foreign pension earners who also qualify for Social Security.

Our Story at the May 2022 rally.

The National WEP/GPO Repeal Task Force

In three years the Task Force has grown into the most effective nationwide grassroots support for Congressional repeal of the unfair Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset.  Comprised of retirees from across the country and taking advantage of a large Facebook page and the CalRTA email system, as well as our Social Security Fairness email Alerts and website, we have been able to support the very successful growth in the number of H.R. 82 co-signers.  

Action Alerts from our WEP/GPO Repeal Campaign