Finally, This Tuesday: A Ways and Means Hearing on WEP/GPO!
Please listen to the hearing and then join us in sending a unified response at the end of this week.
The Social Security Subcommittee will be discussing the WEP and GPO on Tuesday. We expect to hear them discuss the long term effects on the Social Security trust fund and present various options for the offsets including partial repeal.
The Official Announcement:
“United States House Committee on Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee Hearing on Social Security’s Windfall Elimination and Government Pension Offset–their intended purpose, shortcomings, and alternatives. “
Tuesday, April 16, 2024, at 3:00PM (EDT) Rm 2020 in the Rayburn House Office Bldg. (Noon PDT, 1:00 Mountain, 2:00 Central)
Members of the public may view the hearing via live webcast available at The webcast will not be available until the hearing starts.”
If you are close enough, please try to attend. It is a PUBLIC hearing.
We will obtain the link to the recording after it becomes available and publish it if you miss the original hearing. By the end of the week we will analyze their statements and we will send you suggestions for how to respond to the hearing using their required format. In addition to your individual statements, we want them to hear a unified voice from those of us affected. They will be accepting comments on the subject until April 30th.
If you haven’t yet signed the MoveOn petition, please sign on now. If you have already done so, please get someone else to sign, also. We will present our petition to them this week. There are more than 112,541 signatures. Join them with yours! (It is easy to unsubscribe from MoveOn if you later wish to)
We stand for full repeal of both the WEP and the GPO!