Action Alert # 92 – Keep Us on Your Action List!

The fight to repeal the GPO and The WEP has been long and frustrating, but there are still reasons for hope.

  1. Even though in the past we have had less support from Republicans than from Democrats, there are Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle who realize that the offsets are either poorly written or just plain wrong.
  2. In late February, H.R. 1205, the new House bill to fully repeal both the GPO and the WEP was introduced by Rodney Davis of Illinois, and it already has 89 cosponsors.
  3. Republicans often see the WEP as poorly written and making no sense from a financial point of view. In addition, many find it problematic that the provisions were imposed on most of us with no warning to those who would be affected. (A 2005 law required that NEW employees of non-Social Security-covered positions must be told)
  4. It is likely that there will be some major changes in Social Security either in this present 115th Congress (2017-2018) or the next one. Therefore, we need to continue pressuring for our needs to be met.

Immediate action needed: Learn if your Member of Congress has signed onto H.R. 1205, the Social Security Fairness Act of 2017 (the list, linked below can be sorted by state):

You can find your Representative at Save their number on your phone or save their comment page. Thank them if their name is on the co-sponsors list. If they are not yet cosponsors, explain how the GPO and WEP has unfairly punished you for working as a public servant. (Congressional Representatives are also working as a public servants!)

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There are many issues this year. Keep demanding the
Repeal of the GPO and WEP!
Action Alert # 92 - Keep Us on Your Action List! 1