We Have A New WEP & GPO Repeal Bill

It’s H.R. 82 Again! House Member Garret Graves (R-LA) has introduced a new WEP/GPO full repeal in Congress which was given the same number as last year’s bill. House Resolution 82 in the last session got 305 co-signers, well more than needed to pass, but it was never voted on. The probable reason for the…

Our Last Week!

Tell Senators to Add Repeal to the Omnibus Bill!The Senate Appropriations Committee (list below) needs to hear from us immediately with the request to add WEP/GPO REPEAL to the omnibus bill (please call or email day or night). Senate Appropriations members know all about the WEP/GPO. The committee has some of our biggest supporters. Dianne…

Political activity NOW

For those of you who want the details on our current situation, below is an article explaining the current state of WEP/GPO legislation with one week to go in this session. We are still communicating with our legislators. Please use the links from our past Action Alerts section to call and write your own legislator,…

A Partial Deal Is No Deal

CAN YOU STAND UP FOR US AT A RALLY IN WASHINGTON DC, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 14TH? IF NOT, LET YOUR SENATORS AND REPS KNOW THAT WE WANT FULL REPEAL. We have always stood up for FULL REPEAL of both the WEP and the GPO, but there is a contingent working to legislate only a partial fix of the Windfall…

Day Three of our Intensive Campaign: Contact the Senate Finance Committee

Message for Wednesdays – December 7 & 14 Here is today’s message to members of the Senate Finance Committee whose support we need to repeal the WEP/GPO. Please copy the statement below and paste it into the email form, addressed to their Legislative Assistant, that pops up when you click on their underlined address. You…

Our Intensive Campaign Continues!

We are being noticed! Emails for Tuesdays, December 6 & 13 Here is another project that we are asking everyone to complete during these last weeks of the 2021-22 Congressional session: asking members of the Ways and Means to move on H.R. 82.  You can help us stay in the game!  Please email and call…

Special Message: Contact House Leadership – Monday, December 5 & 12

Social Security Fairness is working in close coalition with several other retiree organizations (see our homepage at ssfairness.org) to keep the pressure on Congress for full repeal of both offsets. This week and next we will all be sending the same message: “include full of WEP and GPO repeal in your end-of-session bills!“ We need…

Action Alert – Sign the Discharge Petition

 Important Discharge action this week: (Also watch the video below which further explains our situation) Here is where we are now: The Social Security Fairness Act, H.R. 82, has 305 co-signers, far more than it needs to pass, but the Chair of Ways and Means called it up for a hearing one day before it…

Where is Social Security Fairness now?

There are opponents to Fairness in high places! In August, H.R. 82 reached the magic number of 290 co-sponsors required to demand a floor vote, but still had to wait 25 legislative days before that could be done. On Sept.16, the 24th legislative day, the Chairperson of the House Ways and Means Committee brought the…

H.R. 82 – The Repeal for Fairness Needs You Right Away!

Last week the House Ways and Means Committee stopped our path to a floor vote on full repeal of the WEP and GPO! Here is what we need to do next! Your Representative must sign a Discharge Petition to keep our chances for repeal going. A super majority has cosponsored H.R.82, but since it got…

H.R. 82 On the Line Tuesday September 20th

WEP/GPO Hearing for H.R. 82 in Ways and Means H.R. 82, the bill to repeal the WEP and GPO has enough co-sponsors to require a floor vote.  Instead, the leadership of the Ways and Means Committee has decided to discuss the bill at a meeting this Tuesday at 10:00 AM EDT.  At this meeting they…


IT’S NOT TIME TO QUIT, YET:   Great News!  We hit 100,000 signers on the MoveOn petition, and more people are still signing it. Here, again, is the link.  https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/elimination-of-the-unfair ( Please keep it going if you can.  Thank you! Social Security Fairness has been working with the National WEP/GPO Repeal Task Force for the past…

Alert: We’re Almost There! Sign the petition!

Show our power to Congress now! We want 100K signers on our petition for next week, and this weekend we have more than 96,470.  Please help us get those final 3,500 supporters! Who is it that you haven’t yet hit up for their signature?  Family? Neighbors? Distant cousins? Did they forget to sign? Carry your…

Alert–Yes, We Have Progress!

We’re Ready for a House vote; Time to Lean on Senators; Building State Coalitions 1.    We now have 294 Members of the House of Representatives who have co-signed H.R. 82, to fully repeal the WEP and GPO–more than what we need! Sponsors, Davis and Spanberger, have formally requested a House VOTE on their bill. …

Please do this new list NOW–Only 6 more to 290

Copy the message below, click on the legislative aide’s email on the bottom of this Alert, use the message that appears, paste our request, or add your own comment and SEND! Please cosign H.R. 82 NOW! Provide real support for seniors! Public worker retirees need you to repeal the Government Pension Offset and the Windfall…